
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Must not cheat!

Day 3:

Today wasn't so bad. However there were a lot more temptations though. As my son is only 19 months old there are a few things I still feed him i.e soup and some rice dishes. So today with all the yummy "normal food" he was eating I was tempted to have a little nibble. But non the less I held my ground and controlled my urge to feast on bread and rice. So here we go with today's menu!


Yep! More eggs! I used a quarter of a carton of egg whites (new to Woolworths) and two whole eggs. Today I used half a tin of soy beans which weren't too bad since they were mixed in with some mild salsa. Not sure how long I can last with Mexican flavours for breakky.


Today lunch was simple and legume free (thank goodness). After breakfast I knew that there was no way I was going to be having any legume for lunch or dinner.

Here I have pan fired some diced lamb with the usual base of onion and garlic then I threw in some frozen green beans. The flavour of the lamb pairs nicely with green beans which I love.


I can't tell you enough how I love Asian flavours. Being half Filipino it's only natural that I love the taste of Asian cuisine. For dinner I pan fried half a chicken breast and added half a bag of frozen Thai style veggies. The veggie mix consists of more green beans, capsicum (red peppers), bamboo shoots (YUM), carrots and baby corn. I also added in some oyster sauce for flavour and a little drizzle of sesame oil which really pulls the dish together.

Weight-loss update to me surprise I weighed myself this morning and I am 1 kg lighter than Monday! I am very happy that only 3 days in I've lost a kg. However I realise that after my cheat day which will be Friday I'll probably put the kg and some back on, but as stated in 'The 4 hour Body', it's normal and I should look forward to losing it with in 24-48 hrs.

Stayed tuned for day 4 where I prepare for the great feast on Friday!


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